Our Father’s World Seminars

Now booking!

The Our Father’s World Seminar is a series of presentations building on the content of Ed’s book.Ed Brown teaching at a seminar.

“I’m so glad that there has begun to be a stronger movement in the church towards environmental stewardship! Keep up the good work!”

The intended audience is evangelical Christians who are concerned and perhaps confused about the role that
they, and their churches, should be playing in responding to today’s environmental crisis.

Beginning with the Bible’s teaching about God and his world, the seminar will help participants to understand how things they already believe lead to a reasonable and consistent – and nonpolitical – response to environmental issues.

“This needs to get around more.”

Practical topics include integrating creation care with worship, Christian education and local outreach, the place of creation care in missions, and ways that individuals and families can begin making creation-friendly lifestyle changes.

The seminar is designed to be presented over five hours in a Friday evening/Saturday morning format. We find this allows busy people to participate without having to commit an entire weekend. However, we can adapt the material to all day Saturday, three- or four-evening, or weekend conference formats.

We encourage seminar hosts to open the meeting to a number of different churches in the same city, and we request that a host church or organization plan for a minimum attendance of 100. Financial arrangements are negotiable when booking the seminar.

“I am a student in the natural sciences…I have frequently wondered how I, as a Christ follower, should deal with that information (climate change) and your seminar touched on that perfectly.”

For booking arrangements, contact Care of Creation at seminars [at] careofcreation.org.

Here’s how to host a seminar at your church.